Monday, May 19, 2014

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

While at an outing a few weeks ago a few people brought their children along. Now, these people are younger than me, not by more than 2-3 years, but still, younger. I felt that familiar, should I have had children earlier pain a little but I just ignored it and thought about how much fun I was going to have getting drunk later that night. Until....

One of the females has multiple children. She stated out loud (breaking my trance) "I'm so glad I didn't wait until 30 to have my children. I can be young enough to enjoy them and won't be too old for everything." That snapped me back into reality. Another one chimed in with agreement. I felt the red start to hit my face, but no one seemed to notice it or my meager existence in the world at that time. I personally did not choose to wait this long to have children. When I was a teenager I assumed that I would be 25 when I had my first child. I was planned out to the T. 25 came and went and prince charming still hasn't shown up for our date. However, there are SEVERAL people I know who have waited until their 30's to have children. In fact (gasp) some have decided not to have children at all.

I can't believe that we're in the 21st century and evolution hasn't caught up to society. By the age of 35 a women's fertility is decreased by almost half. The risk of miscarriage and several chromosomal abnormalities increases. It's punishment for deciding to wait to have children, or not just having the luck of having them yet. I also can't believe that there aren't more people I know waiting.

What I do know for sure is that I thoroughly enjoyed my twenties and am currently enjoying my thirties. I answer to no one, and I control my entire life. And right now, that works for me. There are those times when I look at families while at a restaurant or a store and wish I had that already. But, it wasn't in the cards for me. Us spinsters don't go around insulting your babies or your family with such snide remarks like "I can't believe you had ANOTHER one. So, be cautious when you speak out loud to people. If you can't do that, just make sure your feet are clean.

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